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Why would I want to install a humidifier?

For many reasons:
  • Since the air in your home is always trying to reach its saturation point, it will absorb water wherever it can; from the bodies of you and your children, your pets, your furniture and even your house plants. As a result your skin, throat and nasal passages dry out, leaving you more susceptible to physical discomfort, colds, flu and even infection.
  • Dry air causes dry, itchy skin.
  • Dry air cracks expensive woodwork, floors, artwork and furnishings.
  • Annoying static electricity (caused by dry air) can damage computers, VCR’s and other electronic equipment, requiring expensive repair.
  • Dry air can cause harm to expensive musical instruments like pianos and violins.
  • Dry air causes gaps in window & door frames, letting cold outdoor air in; causing you to turn up the heat and increasing your heating bills! Controlled humidity from the GeneralAire® Elite Steam Humidifier allows you the luxury of dialing the thermostat back & reducing annual heating bills. For example, 68° at 40% relative humidity feels just as warm as 74° at 20% humidity. Setting your thermostat back by as little as three degrees can reduce annual heating bills by as much as 5%.